Helping to restore humanity, the planet it's resources and wildlife back to our natural condition of Peace balance sustainability and abundance for allesources and wildlife back to our natural condition of Peace, balance & Sustainability.
Evolve the Planet Foundation
Evolve the Planet Foundation is all-inclusive. We invite & welcome all peoples, all perspectives. No matter what your spiritual, political, scientific or environmental viewpoint, we welcome you!. Regardless of gender, sexual identification or political affiliation we are glad that you're here. We invite all religious, spiritual and philosophical views & commentary. The original thought behind the creation this group was to provide a safe, might I say ‘Sacred Space’ for dialogue, ideas, the sharing of knowledge and spiritual Truths. We envision this group as being a connective platform, for not only like-minded people, but for ALL people. We see this as a safe space to share ideals, make connections and brainstorm solutions. A place and a way, to help each other REMEMBER our TRUE NATURE. WITH ALL THE DISTRACTIONS OF THE MODERN WORLD, we Africa to place ourselves, bare feet on the ground stupid related to Mother Earth. We see this as a safe space for anyone to not only find REAL SCIENCE AND REAL TRUTHS, but also a place to find and put into action REAL SOLUTIONS to the many of the challenges that humanity faces. Let this be a safe and respectful UNION of positive energies. A union of collective consciousness, that by this platform and others might expand into more than the sum is it's parts and make positive change for the future! Let our connections, interactions and intentions be for the betterment of not only our beautiful planet and all living creatures… but may this even benefit other sentient life anywhere in the Cosmos. We also understand that this group may evolve (along with us) so we will do our best to not limit our possibilities by labeling anything here as ‘THE TRUTH’, much less, the final word… on anything. Let our potentials to remain unlimited! Many of us here at Evolve the Planet Foundation practice 'Sacred Ecology'. Sacred Ecology is how most indigenous people in the world lived in harmony with their environments. But Sacred Ecology is simply; cleansing your inner Ecology FIRST so as to manifest that holistic balance into our outside environment. Whatever your belief system, whatever God you cherish, whaatever your spiritual practice… THAT is YOUR unique ‘Sacred Ecology.’ of find out animatic balance through the practice of spiritual principals and many spiritual modalities, such a prayer, meditation, balancing of our energy bodies (Chakras & energy meridians) and other friends of healing on our journey her. However we understand that this will looks different to everything who find themselves here and concerned about the state of the planet and humanity. We’re all in this together. We're hoping to build a global community through Education, Inspiration, Advocacy & Volunteerism. We're going face to face with some if the toughest challenges of our time. From environmental clean-up, to cooperating with and educating; individuals, communities, local businesses and global corporations on the effects of climate change, while helping to brainstorm creative solutions to reduce their carbon footprints and 'Add To' the planet in a positive, sustainable way. We envision a future where we all live together in harmony, piece balance and sustainability. If you have made it here to our group, then you are already AWAKE! WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE! Please join our global community; 'Evolve the Planet Foundation in helping to restore US & the planet, it's ECO Systems, resources and wildlife back to our naturall condition of Peace, balance sustaining and Abundance for all! ---Evolve The Planet Foundation